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How To Organize Your Garage

Your garage is the room where everything you can’t find a spot for in your home usually goes. It gets stuffed with sports gear from every season, old clothes from the past, workout gear (that likely rarely gets touched), and so much more. If you’re tired of your garage looking like the a volcano full of miscellaneous items just exploded, follow these steps to have an organized space you can actually appreciate.

  • Set Aside Enough Time: As much as we all would like this task to take only an hour or so, organizing your garage takes a decent chunk of time. Set aside a few days, ideally a weekend, so you have enough time to fully do the job. Pro Tip: The more people you have helping you, the faster you’ll be finished. Enlist some family members, friends, or even a professional to assist you.
  • Categorize & Group Items: Figure out what can go with what, and where. Create categories of what you have – sports and recreational gear, seasonal decor, tools, auto items, etc. Once you have that done, group everything together in different spots so they are easier to organize and to locate.
  • Trash & Donate What Doesn’t Belong: If it doesn’t fit into a category or doesn’t fit your lifestyle anymore, get rid of it. Do you really need to save that puffy ski jacket from the 80s? (Hint: The answer is no). Donate old clothes to shelters or other charitable organizations and trash anything else you don’t need to save. You’ll be surprised how much space this frees up.
  • Install Built-In Storage: Invest in shelves and pegboards to make the most of vertical wall space. Store items that aren’t currently being used (like summer decor in December) in bins and stack them to use minimal floor space. If you’ve got any tools in the mix, hang them on the pegboards to keep them decluttered.
  • Set Up an Organizing Schedule: Unfortunately, cleaning up your garage isn’t a one time deal. We all know that everyone will simply toss more stuff in there, which will eventually requiring more tidying up. Set a date every 4 or 6 months on your calendar to revamp your garage space to keep everything organized.

While it may be a bit of a tedious task, organizing your garage on a regular basis lets you take full advantage of the extra space your home offers. Whether your garage is in shambles or it just needs a touch-up, these steps will help you turn the space into a beautifully functional storage room.

As you tidy up, take notice of your garage door. Could it use a facelift as well? If so, call The Garage Door Center at 203-255-3033 today! We’ll schedule an appointment for you to meet with us at our Fairfield showroom and start the door design process.

Posted by Garage Door Center